
Narrowboat JUNE

This web site was last updated in March 2021...

This web site gives family and friends basic information about Narrowboat JUNE, in a form and in a place where information can be stored, discussed and improved.

We realise that, when everything is written down like this, it looks like a lot to take in. When you are actually on the boat everything is fairly simple and makes sense.

Narrowboat JUNE was built in 1999, by Ledgard Bridge Boats, at Mirfield on the Calder & Hebble Navigation. She was built as part of a little hire boat fleet, based nearby at Shepley Bridge Marina, also on the Calder & Hebble.

We bought Narrowboat JUNE in the summer of 2007. In the beginning much effort went into understanding the boat and her systems, giving her a bit of care, and turning her back into what she is, a good quality, 1999 era, hire boat. We still accept those limitations. JUNE is a rugged little boat, built to power around the canals and the rivers, and give people a holiday. But, where there was a clear route forward, we have made improvements.

JUNE is a Narrowboat - that is, a boat designed and built for the English narrow canal system. She is 6 ft 10 ins wide, and 52 feet long. The received wisdom is that the longest boat that can go (almost) anywhere on the English canal system is 57 feet, or thereabouts. We have found that, at 52 feet, JUNE is very manageable.

Layout of Narrowboat JUNE